Finding Solution: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade
This question inevitably came to my mind while I was deeply thinking about solving a problem that occurred this week within an organization I’m currently part of. The cause was the uneven transition from the old administrator to the new one. One of their last program was not yet completed. There was even a coordination issue with a vendor which still unresolved. And now the vendor is rising a complain.
While looking for a way to solve this, I feel a little anxious. There was even a time when I could not sleep just thinking about it. This problem was unpredictable, and I was not ready. I am the type of person who always likes to prepare things before they happen. For example, when planning for a trip, I start listing the items I need to bring days in advance. Oh, and of course, I never forget the trip itinerary. Hotels, restaurants, attraction, and many other things will be on my mind and in my browser history for sure. Even though I realize that having too many plans and thoughts can become an obstacle to moving forward.
Most of the time, I avoid spontaneity. Thus, facing an unexpected problem has made me feel uncomfortable.
Start Making Lemonade to Sweeten Your Lemons

While understanding that not everything will come out as perfectly as you want, changing perspective and expectation are things I need to learn. Life will sometimes give you lemons. And you have to accept them with open hand. Instead of running away, face the problems directly. Focus on finding solution, and do not get overwhelmed by the problem itself. Below are some of the things that you can do.
1. Put your faith in Allah, knowing He will resolve all you problem in the end.
I used to struggle and try my very best when fixing a problem. Until then I realize that I was wrong. The first thing that need to be done when facing a problem is to put your faith in Allah. Pray to Allah. Ask for help and guidance. He is the one who will resolve your problems in the end. You just need to do your best as a human.
2. Break the solutions into small steps.
It is easier to move forward when you can split big tasks to smaller pieces. Start with the easy steps before handling the harder ones. Once you start making progress, you will get a better picture of the final solution.
3. Do one thing at a time to get closer in finding solution.
You might want to focus executing the steps one by one. Start writing down all of your task list, and check off each item once done. By doing this, you can avoid confusion which usually leads to more headaches in the end.
4. Regulate yourself to maintain a positive mindset.
Remember that positive thoughts will attract positive results. When negativity tries to occupy your mind, take a deep breath and replace it with positive thoughts as best as you can.
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5. Trust the process.
Believe in yourself and trust the process. Never stop. You need to keep moving forward to reach the end.
Finding Solution Can Be Challenging, but Practice Makes Perfect
Last but not least, let’s agree on one thing: practice makes perfect. Every problem solved is a lesson in life. You can always feel grateful and proud of yourself once you have overcome and solved your past problems. You can even write about your experiences and offer advice to other from time to time. Once you succeed in making lemonade from your lemons, you should never be afraid of more lemons handed to you.
#KLIP #setoranjan25